Providing Point
Providing Point is the grocery card branch of The Giving Group. We provide reloadable grocery cards locally in Chilliwack, B.C.
The Giving Group
The Giving Group is the parent registered Canadian charity for Providing Point and Chilliwack Housing Providers.
Chilliwack Housing Providers
Chilliwack Housing Providers would love to provide rent subsidies, but The Giving Group will need to grow significantly before we can do that.
Why We Do What We Do
The Giving Group began with the question, “What could we do if everyone in our town gave $5/month?”
The answer is “to house every local homeless person and provide them with groceries.”
If every person gave $5/month, we could house 300 people with $950/month rent and $100/week of groceries. Granted, we may find cheaper rent than $950/month, yet it’s a figure to work with.

Where The Seed Fund Began
In a series of books called The Fountains, the idea to gather and share grocery cards locally sprouted in 2017. In subsequent books, the idea of founding a non-profit called Providing Point began. After another few books, The Giving Group, the now legally registered charity, became the name of our organization. At the close of 2024, we had a small group of providers supporting 17x $25/month cardholders but aimed to gather more caring people to assist us with providing more cards and more per card.
As of July 2021, the company received its legal charity designation and is now able to issue and honour tax receipts for all donations. Although the initial idea was $5/month from all community members, it’s not rational to expect 100% support. Now, with both Patreon and DonorBox as the two primary giving channels, the goal is to reach 2,500x $25/month providers.Where We Were in 2018-2020
By the close of 2018, we had gathered $485 and had funded $330 onto our four to six reloadable $10/month cards over the course of that year. In 2019, we shared $1,055 total and increased the $10/month to $15/month. By 2020, shared $3,100 on the year from our providers (odnors) and had 18x active $15/month cards. We partnered with Ruth and Naomi’s in 2020 too.
Where We Were in 2021-2022
In July 2021, we legally registered The Giving Group as a Canadian Charity and could then issue valid tax receipts. We had increased the amount per month from $15 to $25 and had a few $100-$200 one-time donations. By the close of 2021, we had shared more than $9,000 on our cards since the program’s inception. Our goal then (and still is) is to gather more routine monthly providers for The Giving Group.
Where We Were in 2023 and 2024
In 2023 and 2024, The Giving Group kept open and active, with most of our cards shared via Ruth and Naomi’s, another local Chilliwack non-profit. We reliably provided 17x people with $25/month grocery card support and began initiatives to fundraise at The Chilliwack Farmer’s Market and also had a November 2024 event at KMS Tools.
Where We Would Like to Be in 2025 and Beyond
In 2025, the goal is to have more $25 or $50 a month providers contribute. We hope to increase the number of cards we provide and the monthly amount shared. A vision is to expand to provide 1,000 people with $200/month support, but that will require over eight thousand $25/month providers. Still, if we can reach that number, the effects could be stupendous.
The Vision and Wish of The Giving Group
Although we know we can’t do it on our own, the wish is that all people may have a home and adequate food for themselves and their families. The vision is to house all locally in conjunction with other organizations, and it would be amazing to see other Providing Points spout in other cities and towns. Bit by bit, grain by grain, and seed by seed.
The Number of People in Need (Homeless in Chilliwack)
There are over 400 people homeless in Chilliwack and a great deal more (children and seniors) who have homes but are also in poverty
The Amount Required for Housing (The Local Homeless Population)
If we provide rent for 400+ people (at $950/month rent), it requires over 15,000 people to contribute $25/month towards housing.
The Amount Required for Food (For All Under the Poverty Line)
If If 14.8% of the local population is below the poverty line, providing those 15,000 people $100/week groceries will cost $6.5 million per month ($78 million per year).
The Total Amount We’ll Need to Gather (To Ensure All Are Covered)
To provide 1,000 people with $950/month rent and 15,000 people with $100/week groceries, the total needed per year is $7.45 million per month ($89.4 million per year).
What Can We Do?
Giving to charity is helpful, so please think about joining The Giving Group, though there are other ways you may provide. If you see someone busking or panhandling, give them a bit of cash. If you don’t have cash, give them a smile and a hi or hello! If you want to provide even better, think about volunteering your time and money to organizations that support those in need in your local area. Here are some ideas about how to provide.
Volunteer Your Time
If you have time (and transportation) give 2-4 hours a week to a program that needs and wants support. (Seniors are in a big need of support also). Call your local charities to see how you may help.
Volunteer Your Money
If you’re concerned about donating your time, $70/week to a program or cause is like giving an organization 3-4 hours (at B.C. minimum wage). Perhaps you want to give more!
Volunteer Your Connections
If you have a strong social network, advocate for people to contribute time or money to causes you believe in. Share donation links and be an advocate for charities to have a compounding benifical effect.
Volunteer Your Unused Items
You may have many home items you no longer use. If you find a local non-profit collecting donations, you can clear your clutter at home while benefiting others through your generosity.