
Creating a way to provide routine grocery support for people

Providing Point is a branch of the registered Canadian Charity (#783586464-RR0001) The Giving Group. People who join The Giving Group are caring and compassionate people who want to provide support for those in need.

The initial concept of The Giving Group surfaced from wondering what we could do if every person in our local community (Chilliwack, B.C.) gave $5/month towards food and shelter. If 100% of the local population offered $5/month, we could house 350 people and give them $100/week in groceries.

It’s not rational, though, to think every person would want to help. This website is a link and page for carings and considerate people who want to reach the goal of Full Seed.; complete support ensuring all people may have food and a home. Since we started small (with 5x $10/month reloadable grocery cards), we want first to provide food and then, if we can gather enough support, house all the people who need and want a home.

The gathering goal for The Giving Group and Providing Point is $25,500 in 2024. As of January 2024, we had 16x active $25/month cards.

If you would give two hours of volunteer support a month, that is the equivalent of providing about $30/month at B.C.’s minimum wage. Would you give one or two hours (or more?) a month towards providing?

All donations are eligible for a tax receipt for joining The Giving Group.